Friday, April 13, 2007

Learn How To Bring Parks To YOUR Neighborhood!

Why To Attend The Saturday April 21st Neighborhood Congress at the Bonaventure Hotel

If you want to increase community outreach, develop jobs and businesses in your community or need more parks and green spaces in your community - the Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils Congress (LANCC) has multiple experts to answer your questions as well as NC members to tell you their success stories.

You will each be given specific action items to take back to your communities Monday morning to get to work to solve these problems. So register today to take advantage of these free programs at the Bonaventure hotel where both the parking and the lunch are also totally free at

The first of our three seminars are about creating parks and green spaces in our communities.

Los Angeles is one of the most park starved cities in the country, but on Saturday April 21st from 9:30AM – 10:45 AM at the Bonaventure Hotel, Bob Reid of the Trust for Public Land will explain how neighborhood councils can develop political support for parks, use “greenprint” maps to make a case for additional park space in their communities and learn the basics of land acquisition and how to use that information to acquire more park land.

Greenprint maps are studies of how much park space each community has, the needs of each community – and the gap between the need and the reality. Parks and Rec will also be there to discuss the parks assessment survey and how neighborhood councils can help provide accurate data for their neighborhoods.

Representatives of community based organizations and neighborhood councils that have successfully created parks and green spaces throughout Los Angeles including BONC commissioner, Tsilah Burman, Executive Director of the L.A. Neighborhood Land Trust, will also speak.

More information will be posted here week on speakers and topics of discussion. And if YOUR neighborhood has any success stories you would like to share next Saturday, email me at

And register for this conference and the two other LANCC seminars at